What is Chasm Trap and how it can be solved?


Posted On: Apr 01, 2020


The chasm trap is created when the values in the fact tables get inflated. This condition arises in the dimensional schema-based universe because in this we have the only one-dimensional table which is joined with two fact tables. So, when we drag a measure from both fact tables and also dimensions from the dimension table, the value of flat tables that is measured gets inflated. This situation is known as a chasm trap.

Two methods to solve the chasm trap:

  • Using SQL parameters: In the Universe SQL parameters, the option constructs a lot of queries for each measure that needs to be chosen. This helps in generating isolated SQL statements for each measure and provide the correct result.
  • By joining different contexts: The better approach to solving the chasm trap is to include two joins in two different contexts which will generate two synchronized queries and hence the problem will be solved.

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