What are types of Signals?

Sharad Jaiswal
Sharad Jaiswal

Posted On: Sep 23, 2020


Signalling is a source of energy that used to convey the information. Information can be shared by means like sounds, action, gestures etc.

Based on their amplitude: -

  • Analog Signal – The value of the amplitude in the analog signal has infinite value.
  • Digital Signal – The value of the amplitude in the Digital signal can only have finite and discrete values.

Based on their horizontal axis (time axis) of the signal:-

  • Continuous-time signal- It is a type of signal whose value (amplitude) exists for every fraction of time t.
  • Discrete-time signal- It exists only for a discrete value of time t.

Based on “determination by mathematical equation:-

  • Deterministic Signal: These signals are those signals that are determined by a mathematical formula.
  • Non- deterministic Signal: These signals are random and they are not defined by any mathematical equation.

Based on symmetry:-

  • Even signals – These signals are symmetric around a vertical axis
  • Odd signals – These signals are symmetric about the origin.

Based on power & Energy:-

  • Energy Signal- These signals have finite energy.
  • Power signal– These signals have finite power.

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