What are different types of Microcontrollers?


Posted On: Mar 18, 2020


There are different types of microcontrollers. They include:

  • PIC Microcontroller: PIC microcontroller stands for a programmable interface controller used for developing computer robotics, electronics, and similar devices. The PIC controller is made up of data bus, dedicated processor and built-in data memory that plays a role in preparing input and output methods
  • ARM Microcontroller: It is more popular than other microcontrollers. The ARM means Advanced RISC Machine and widely used by industries because of its unique features. Sensor and wireless networks are some of the devices produced with ARM microcontrollers.
  • 8051 Microcontroller: This is another type of microcontroller develops by Intel in the year 1981. It has 40 pins and four programmable parallel 8-bit ports.
  • AVR Microcontroller: AVR microcontroller is an advanced Harvard architecture machine. The AVR in full form is Alf and Vegard's RISC Processor.
  • MSP Microcontroller: The mixed-signal processor is another type of microcontroller from the Texas instruments family. It is cost-effective and gives a good performance in the denser programming code.

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