Web Technology Interview Questions

    Web Technology Interview Questions

    What is Web Technology?

    We know that computers can’t communicate with each other's as humans do. Instead, they need a large code to process information in order to provide you with significant knowledge. Concluding this, we can say that the process by which computers communicate with each other using the languages of markup and multimedia packages known as Web Technology.

    In general, web technology is meant to create and run various dynamic websites on the browser. It includes various languages which are combined with each other to do very specific works on the internet. It includes the browser languages such as HTML, CSS, etc. which are used to maintain the lookup of any websites, server languages such as PHP, java to maintain the servers and uses application layer protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc. If you want to know the languages used in web technology in full detail, then read the full article.

    Front End languages:

    HTML: The foundation of any website

    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the markup language designed for creating and developing web pages. It is also used for displaying other information such as images in web browsers. To write HTML, an element term is defined which consists of tags that are enclosed in an angular bracket like, within the web page content. Mostly, HTML tags come in pairs like and but also some tags come in empty elements and so are unpaired, for example For the paired tags, the first tag in a pair is known as the start tag, and the second tag is known as the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). web designers can add text, further tags, comments and other types of text-based content between these tags. The HTML documents are then read by web browsers that compose them into visible or audible web pages. The browser uses these tags to understand the content of a web page but it does not display these tags as it is. If you want to learn HTML, you can check on w3schools which is an open source for web developing languages. Also, it is easy to learn and implement to design creative and complex websites. In short, it acts as a glue which holds together each website.

    Role of HTML in web designing:

    • All websites are made up of HTML element which are the building blocks of websites.
    • HTML is a language known for portraying web pages.
    • HTML itself, not a programming language instead it is a markup language.
    • HTML Documents = Web Pages, which means HTML documents describe web pages.
    • HTML uses images and objects in its document which can be used to create interactive forms.
    • It denotes structural semantics for text such as paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, headings, and other items to create structured documents.
    • The behavior of HTML web pages can also be affected by inserting scripts written in languages like JavaScript, CSS, etc.


    CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language designed for “how the document which is written in markup language should display on browsers”. Very often, CSS is used to set the visual styles of web pages but it can also be applied to any XML document.

    CSS is designed to enable the document presentation by including aspects such as layout, colors, and fonts by isolating the content from display. This separation improves the availability of content which means the file can be downloaded in half of the time by using CSS. By specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, this helps to enable multiple HTML pages to share format which reduces complexity and redundancy in the structural content. It can also display different web pages that depends on what is the size of a window screen or viewing device.

    Role of CSS language in web development:

    • CSS is used by most web pages, user interfaces for many mobile applications and user interfaces for web applications.
    • CSS was introduced to provide more creativity and control over the designs of websites.
    • With the help of CSS, designers need to make fewer efforts as they create one page of style sheet which can be used in various web pages together. If we want any change in design, then they just need to change one stylesheet.
    • CSS also provides the facility for readers to specify their own CSS file on their computer if they don't want the file that author had specified.
    • As content and presentation of the document are separated from each other, so this can present the same markup page in different styles such as on-screen, in print, or by voice (via speech-based browser or screen reader).
    • It is more focused on how the page should look like.


    XML means Extensible Markup Language is a descriptive markup language mainly used to enhance the functionality of HTML. In short, XML is like a complement to HTML. XML allows you to define your own tags, their ordering and how they will display on an application. XML is not only a language, but instead, it also defines as a meta-language. It means it is a language which allows developers to create or define other languages.

    XML is also a building block of AJAX the request handling language or a technology that allows applications to update specific data without reloading an entire page. It is used to make your web applications more powerful, more versatile and more usable.

    Role of XML in web development:

    • It provides the information about how the data will be structured an application.
    • XML documents are self-describing which means you can set each element of code/document.
    • XML is not fixed to limited tags. The designers can develop new tags according to their convenience.
    • It focused on the content not on how it should display.

    Backend Languages:


    In the back end, PHP is used. Having the title of “server scripting language”, PHP one of the popular languages who is controlling the big segment of the “server-side website development industry” these days. In short, PHP is the server-side scripting language that runs on a server side to design the dynamic applications. PHP has held this distinction for many years. Like HTML, CSS, it is easy to learn and to implement in contrast with other high-level languages. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has wearied with the passage of time, but PHP has always grown.

    As of 2018, Nearly 11 million developers are using and working on PHP which proves that PHP is the most popular and demanding language for backend connectivity applications.

    Role of PHP in Web development:

    • Connectivity of the database.
    • Control User Access.
    • Makes highly cost-effective websites
    • Used for making Reliable Websites

    Applications of PHP:

    As we seen, PHP is widely used in every corner of the world by the developers. PHP is not only confined in software's but is also widely used in designing hardware controlling software components. Following are some other usage of PHP: -

    • Web Applications like Facebook etc.
    • Cross platform Mobile application development.
    • Internet of things is widely using it.

    My SQL

    My SQL is the most popular and efficient database server by this time. In addition to this, it is efficient in conjunction with PHP scripts. By this, it is possible to build dynamic and powerful server-side applications. For many small and enterprise company, RDBMS is being used. My SQL is easy to use and powerful in performance. MySQL AB is a Swedish company that supports, develop and market MySQL. MySQL gradually so famous due to these following reasons-

    • It is an open-source license so you need to pay to use it
    • It uses the premium form of well-developed SQL data language
    • It can also work with the large datasets efficiently and work so fast.
    • It can support large databases even with 50 million rows or more than it in a table. It can hold the size limit for a table is 4 GB and can support more than it in case your operating system can hold it. If your operating system can handle it then its limit believes to go to 8 million terabytes.

    Different actions played by MySQL in web development

    • As PHP is great to use in web development and MySQL is familiar with PHP.
    • MySQL is able to work with many languages such as PERL, PHP, C, JAVA, C++ etc.
    • MySQL runs on several operating systems efficiently that helps the client in minimizing burden over them.
    • It can manage and holds a great number of subsets of the functionality of a very powerful and expensive database. This defines the strength of MySQL.
    • Another feature of MySQL is adaptative to the environment. Programmers are enabled to modify the environment of MySQL software with the use of open-source GPL license into their special environment.

    DHTML languages:


    JavaScript is a programming language which is dynamic, high-level, interpreted and un-typed. JavaScript is regulated in the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) Script language designation. Most of the modern website utilize it. JavaScript is also accepted by most of today's browser. The popularity of the JavaScript for server-side application is increased day by day. The main reason for this is the presence of fresh and faster JavaScript Virtual Machines (VMs) and platforms.If we look by the side of the client, this language is accepted as an interpreted language, on the other hand, most of today's browser do the just-in-time assemblage. The users who visit your page can also the replica of your work because the script is written on the HTML page. Many of the great programmer and users find it helpful this openness a good advantage because it is possible to use or study the JavaScript that is you are viewing whatever you find on the website.

    Various role of JavaScript in web development:

    • Beside of CSS and HTML, it is standardized as one of the central technologies of the WWW. in the development of the web.
    • It can also be utilized in another factor rather than Web-based like site-specific browser, PDF document, and desktop widgets.
    • JavaScript is also utilized for the development and creation of many applications of desktop and mobile. It is also used to develop games, server-side network programming like Node.js.
    • JavaScript decides the "fate of the future".


    jQuery is developed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML which is a cross-platform JavaScript. It is the absolutely free and open-source library but just required a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) license. The analysis shows that jQuery is the

    It is designed to facilitate to operate DOM elements, documents, creating animations, develop Ajax applications and handling of events. It also helps the developers by allowing them to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. The modular make it easier to create the web application and web pages.

    Various role performs by jQuery in web development: -

    • It allows various users to develop ideas for advanced effects, low-level interaction and animation and also high-level theme able widgets.
    • It provides great features and a good environment for the users to implement the program easily.
    • Last but not least, it provides JavaScript in a simplified form.

    Request Handling Language:


    AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is not a programming language but a concept that runs in a parallel way. It becomes famous in the year of 2005 after the Google search engine's auto-suggestion box. Basically, it is a client-side script which communicates with a server without refreshing page again and again. It is known as the method of exchanging the information between the server and the parts of the webpage that needs to be updated but without reinstalling the entire page.

    Role of AJAX in Web Development:

    • AJAX uses the callbacks that make a round trip to and from a server without reloading an entire page.
    • AJAX enables the applications to be more user-friendly and more responsible.
    • By making Asynchronous calls to the web server, it avoids the calling browser to wait for retrieving all data.
    • It increases the speed and usability of web applications.

    If you want to know the basic knowledge about Web technology, the languages and their role, then this article contains the whole information you need. From above, it is clear that web technology is the vast topic to study in great detail if you want to be an expert in this field. Web technology includes many other languages such as Python, Ruby, Bootstrap and many more. As the list is huge, so couldn't define all the languages in detail in the above article. If you want to be updated about the services of web technology, then stay tuned with us. We will provide many other articles on various topics of Web technology. Hope! You will enjoy reading this full article and it helped to enhance your knowledge.

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