SMO Interview Questions

SMO Interview Questions

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the process of gaining traffic using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Social media is a common term that is used to denote all the sites that provide radically different social actions. For example, Twitter is a social site specially designed so that people can share short messages or photos, trend hashtags, etc. Facebook is a platform where one can share updates, add new friends, tell people about their business, share photos, and join groups and events.

These are the media where most people spend their leisure time and thus it serves as the perfect platform for one to increase their business. One can advertise their products on any of the social sites and the users who need these items can buy them. Social media more often feeds into the start-ups of new content like news and discovery is a search activity. Social media also helps to build links that further support SEO techniques. There are quite a lot of people who perform searches on social media sites to find social media content and other activities.

These connections may impact the relevancy of some good search results, which may be within the social media network or with the help of some other search engine. We hereby provide you with some questions on Social Media Marketing.

These Social Media Marketing Interview Questions have been specially designed so that it will help you to understand the nature of questions you may encounter while you are in an interview and the subject is SMO.

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Below are the list of Best SMO Interview Questions and Answers

There are basically two categories of SMO methods:

  • Social media features which are added along with the content only, like the RSS feeds, sharing buttons, social news, and also the third-party community functions, which includes images and videos.
  • Promotional activities with the help of social media, along with the content which needs to be promoted, such as blogging, sharing personal comments on others’ blogs, giving own views in discussion groups, and posting some status updates on social networking profiles such as Facebook.

SMO serves as an active source of marketing platform nowadays. There are several advantages of it like:

  • It increases the brand visibility and recognition: With optimization process being done in social media which is free and used by all age groups, more and more people get to know about the brand as they scroll down their feed and see the advertisement. Many people start recognizing the brand and turn to it for both their current and future needs if they find them attractive.
  • Social Media serves as a communication channel: Social Media is a very big platform where different firms can communicate and build the relationship with the customers. Contrary to the traditional email and call support communicating via FB page or Twitter handle is more fun and engaging which the customers find it easy to reach them and they can have a great relationship.
  • In Social Media Optimization the marketing cost is way less than marketing in TV or paper. If a small business or a startup that have a lesser marketing budget, then social media will be best for them to reach out to customers quite easily. One gets the maximum returns from their investment.
  • Social media improve the brand loyalty: For any brand or company, customer satisfaction is a priority and loyal customers are the backbone. If the customers are impressed not only they become loyal to the brand for their future needs but also share their express their  opinions in social media sites which further helps the brand to get more and more customers.

Many social media sites helps the brands to gain traffic and customers. Some of the mostly used and most important social sites are as follows

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Youtube
  • RSS Feeds
  • Hangouts in Google+

Google+ comes with a unique and useful tool called ‘Hangouts’. Hangouts help the owner or worker business firm to have video conversations with its customer at zero cost. If the firm regularly shares their contents on Google+, it gets indexed very fast and therefore, it becomes easy for one to rank their website by using target keywords. It is also stated that one should always integrate their Google+ page with other platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter YouTube, and also the company’s website if any.

We can use several tools to check the optimization of the site, Some of the parameters to check the success of social media are as follows:

  • is there an increase in the number of followers
  • is there an increase in the number of leads
  • Inbound links to your site through social sites has increased or not
  • Whether the number of bloggers comment, traffic reached, and number of social shares
  • Is there any increase in sales that are made online
  • How many posts are published
  • How many subscriptions have been made?

To measure the rate of investment that one invests in social media, one considers using tools such as Conversation Measurement Tool on social sites. One can also use Google Analytics or LinkedIn. These sites have their own tools. The main criteria to track the traffic include

  • Email subscriptions
  • Webinar registration
  • Content and Download registrations
  • Traffic on Blog sites.

Basically hash tags make words any particular a keyword. It is mainly used on Social media like Twitter, Facebook, or Google+

Facebook EdgeRank refers to an algorithm with help of which Facebook determine what articles should be shown in one’s News Feed. Facebook Edge mark is very important because:

  • Most of the fans do not return to the Brand’s Facebook page after the first engagement
  • One’s posts are more likely to reach through Feeds rather than via Facebook page
  • Users on Facebook spend most of their time looking for random stuff in news feed rather than visiting Facebook pages.

To improve one’s Facebook EdgeRank they can follow the following tips

  • Short and to the point – The posts should be between 90-260 characters which are more likely to higher numbers of likes and comments
  • Photos and Videos should be attached so that can attract more users
  • The posts should ask for opinion or questions related to the contents and how it can be improved
  • Daily posts – Most of the Fans don’t come back to the page, so one needs to frequently post which is the only way of reaching them on a consistent basis.
  • Time should be fixed –One should fix a definite time to engage with the audience and then follow the timings on daily basis.

If one wants to increase their reach on Facebook you can consider the following:

  • Facebook EdgeRank should be good– Because Edgemark determines which of the posts get the most visibility in your users’ newsfeed.
  • Third party tools should be avoided– One should not use any kind of third-party tools for scheduling posts and posting them on Social media.
  • Increase your likes–One can use like-getting with help of which one can get likes are given in exchange for access to some contents like a free download.
  • Get some ads- One can buy some more ads to get more engagement.
  • One should have their own Email and Website- One can directly be in touch with the customers through Email and Website.
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One can promote their blog or other contents on the social media sites by using Co-schedule.

  • This co-scheduling doubles the traffic.
  • Some blogs can be posted with different titles and blog posts should be scheduled.
  • Schedule posting can be different for different social sites, like if one cannot promote a post to Twitter twice in one day then he can do it on Twitter
  • Scheduling allows one to create social messages when they create the post.

FAQs can be created by creating a web page and putting in it all the information about the crisis together so that it may help them to respond to the crisis when it really occurs.
The FAQs should include

  • Acknowledgment of the crisis
  • Details when it occurs
  • Photos or videos if they can be included
  • How the company found about it
  • Actions that can take place in response.

There are many advantages that LinkedIn teams provide. Some of them are as follows:

  • They expand the Company’s reach
  • They help to communicate better
  • They help to parse data
  • They help to expand one’s connection
  • Helps to build leadership
  • It can send messages to groups

Strategies for content selling includes the use of social media and its different resources to get engagements as well as leads for a particular product or service.These include:

  • To find the main users with help of keywords and phrases
  • To find the most appropriate social media channel to go ahead
  • To join some community sites with proper classes
  • To create a social profile and different pages on different networks
  • To create articles and relevant content for web posts announcement and article publications.
  • To look out for success with social media tools such as Analytics etc.

 Some of the best social media tools are:

  • Sproutsocial: This is a tool which manages brands, searches, and multi pages.
  • HootSuite: This is used for monitoring as well as searching, social media boards, management of teams and reporting.
  • Radian 6: It enterprises media management applications
  • Zendesk: It is used for collecting social messages and transferring them to the collaborative inbox, Email voice etc.

The task of a social media manager does not only get likes or shares on the posts which are shared but to also to engage the followers regularly. It is significant to make their customers feel that you are there for them always and care for them too.

Social Marketing Environment calls for a conversational approach since mainly social media conversation does not revolve around sales and one should be able to recognize where one is in purchase journey and thus lead them to their destination.

 Some of the ways are:

  • To use 2 hashtags for every tweet
  • Tweets should be within 100 characters, crisp and be hitting.
  • One can manage Twitter marketing Activities using Twitter Advanced Search
  • Twitter Analytics should be checked frequently so that strategies can be improvised.

RSS stands for Rich Site summary and it is an XML file which gives push contents to the company’s site and allows users to subscribe to its feed.

It is important because it helps one to get more audiences for their content and also it enables one to email subscriptions and live bookmarking.

In India most people use social sites between 9:00 to 11:00 pm so this time is the best for getting Indian Traffic.