SEO Interview Questions

SEO Interview Questions

SEO remains for Search engine optimization. It alludes to methods that enhance your site rank position in natural (or regular) query items pages or SERPs, it is additionally a capacity that ought to be considered to enhance general business execution of your site for the guests who are searching for your item or administration by means of web crawlers. Below SEO interview questions help you to crack interviews on Search engine optimization.

SEO Interview Questions for 3 years or more experience

SEO experts are responsible for optimizing websites to improve their rankings on search engines. Their tasks include:

  1. Keyword Research: Identifying relevant keywords to target.
  2. Content Optimization: Enhancing website content with targeted keywords.
  3. On-Page SEO: Optimizing meta tags, headers, URLs, and internal links.
  4. Technical SEO: Improving website speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability.
  5. Link Building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Monitoring performance and adjusting strategies accordingly.
  7. Staying Updated: Keeping up with SEO trends and algorithm changes.
  8. Competitor Analysis: Analyzing and adapting to competitors' strategies.
  9. Local SEO: Optimizing for local search results, if applicable.
  10. User Experience: Ensuring the website is user-friendly and engaging.
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Below are the list of Best SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Keyword Prominence in SEO is a technique to place keywords or phrases within a Web page in areas like page header, meta tags, opening paragraph or start of a sentence.

SEO(Search Engine Optimization): SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the method of changing the top rank of a webpage or website in the search results of a search engine.
SEO is a process of keep changing the position of a webpage or website in a search engine results by using desired keywords or phrases.

There are two types of SEO

  • ON page Optimization.
  • OFF page optimization.

Link building basically means “making incoming links to a website”. This can be achieved in many different ways.

Here are few examples of link Building:

  1. Reciprocal linking is what we call when two webmasters decide to link to each other’s sites.
  2. When you submit your site to website directories, you get a link from these directories to your website.
  3. When you buy blog posts from a blogger, where he or she writes a blog post about your site, and links to it, is also a very important link building practice.
  4. If another site publishes a popular newsletter, and mentions your website, with a link to it, this is also considered link building.

Alexa is a Ranking System set by Alexa calculates the quality of the website and gives the rank to the website that is compared with world-wise websites and gives the local rank according to the domain registered country.

Alexa gives more information about the website i.e. how many people are visiting the site daily, bounce rate and shows the number of backlinks the website contains.

The meaning of 301 Redirect is ‘moved permanently’ and is a way to send both users and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested.One can use 301 redirect to permanently move a website to a new domain.

Advantages of link building in Seo

  1. Link building increases quality traffic from relevant sites.
  2. If there are many higher quality links to a website, the website that is linked to, is considered higher quality as well.
  3. Link building puts your website on a map, so to say.
  4. More traffic through your link building efforts means more income from your website.

Dofollow link

Dofollow link is a kind of hyperlink which enhances the ranking of your site as it acts as a backlink that is counted by search engines.

Nofollow link

Nofollow link is an HTML attribute value used to instruct search engine bots that a hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link target in search engine’s index.

Canonical URL is preferred URL among different versions of your website URL. It helps the search engine chooses one to use among multiple. You can set canonical URL of your website or page are below

<link rel="canonical" href="your-preferred-url"/>

Long-tail keywords are used to target specific user queries. Long tail keywords are longer and contains two or more words.

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. LSI keywords are conceptually related terms that search engines use to deeply understand the content on a webpage.

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Nofollow links are a type of link in HTML that is created by adding rel="nofollow" attribute. We create nofollow links to instruct search bots to not influence the target link to rank or follow in index.


<a href="" rel="nofollow">Seo Nofollow Link</a>

Dofollow links are the type of links that allows search engines to follow the link and reach to the target website. Dofollow passes the links juice and a backlink. By default, all links are the type of Dofollow.

There are mainly two types of SEO.

  1. OnPage SEO.

    OnPage optimization incorporates those systems that should be possible on the pages of a site. On page optimization includes guaranteeing whether a specific site page is organized in a way with the goal that it gets found by the web indexes for given keywords. It, not just aides in getting great internet searcher positioning additionally expands general decipherability of the webpage.

  2. OffPage SEO.

    Off page SEO alludes to procedures that can be utilized to enhance the position of a site in the web index results page (SERPs). Numerous individuals partner off-page SEO with third party referencing yet it is not just that. It is a normal procedure and must be done morally for better and long term results.

On Page and Off Page both activities play an important role in the SEO of a website.

On page Seo Activities consists of:

  • Optimization of Page Titles
  • Optimization of Meta Descriptions
  • Use search engine friendly URLs
  • Use (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.) heading tags in your body.
  • Keyword Density: Use relevant keywords in your article.
  • Optimize page images.
  • Do proper Internal Linking.

Off-page Seo Activities list:

  • Social Networking Sites sharing.
  • Blogging
  • Blog Marketing
  • Forum Marketing
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Directory Submission
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Link Baiting
  • Image Sharing
  • Video Marketing
  • Local Listings
  • Article Submission
  • Quora Answering

PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by the Google search engine to measure the authority of a webpage. It was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin the founders of Google. 


Inbound Links: These links are the type of links which are coming to our website from another website.

Outbound Links: These links are the type of links which are going from our website to another website.

Backlinks also are known as inbound link are links from another website to our website. Backlinks are important because some search engines like Google, Bing give more credit to websites that have a good number of quality and relevant backlinks. At the time of creating backlinks, it is recommended to check website authority and spam score.

Below are a few good ways to get real Backlinks.

  1. Create Infographics.
  2. Write good articles that people links.
  3. Do Guest Posting on Niche Website.
  4. Spy your competitors.
  5. Write testimonials

There are four types of Meta Tags in SEO which are used as:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta description
  • Meta keyword 
  • Meta robots.


Google Sandbox effect, also known as sandboxing and/or Google penalty is the name that is given to the observation of the system by which Google ranks a large number of web pages in the index of its own. Not everybody is sure of its existence but it is believed that this filter came in the Google algorithms more than a decade ago in 2004, somewhere around March.

Latest character limits of title and description tags:

  • Description tag Length: Approximately 160 characters.
  • Title Tag Length: Approximately 70 characters.

Cross-linking is an SEO function that provides inbound and reciprocal links that can enhance the link's popularity online. The function of Cross linking in SEO are:

  • Cross-linking is used to refer to the process of linking one site to another site.
  • Cross-linking doesn’t need to be owned by the same person.
  • Cross-linking serves the purpose to display the page on the search engines.
  • In Cross-linking the site, ranking is calculated on the basis of the relevance of the sites.
  • Cross-linking uses SEO tools that provide reciprocal links.


Cloaking is a technique in SEO in which two different content is presented one for search engine crawlers and other is for user browser.

This technique is considered as a violation according to Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

The steps to optimize a website are as follows:

  • Analyze all of your website data. 
  • Conduct thorough keyword research. 
  • Produce long and value-rich content. 
  • Optimize for on-page SEO. 
  • Optimize for off-page SEO. 
  • Optimize the website for mobile. 
  • Speed up the pages. 
  • Get quality backlinks.

Keyword density is the percentage or amount of keywords or phrases that are present on a web page in comparison to the total number of words present on the page. It is the keyword density by which the relevance of a web page with a specific keyword phrase or keyword is determined, under the concept of Search Engine Optimisation. It is important to understand the context of keyword density for better SEO.

The HTML sitemap is site navigation’s text version that too in a bulleted outline. The visitors of the website can easily look for a topic on the sitemap which they are not able to find anywhere on the site by navigating and searching through menus, or the site. With the help of an HTML sitemap, the visitors on a particular site can easily move on the website from one page to another. 

The XML Sitemap is a type of text file that serves the purpose of containing details regarding all the URLs on a particular website. And not just the URLs but extra information about each one of them as well such as metadata, their importance, their other versions, etc. But the main use of a sitemap is to assist the search engines to crawl the website easily so that new changes can be fed to the crawlers directly.

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page, or Search Engine Results Page, and refers to the list of websites that a search engine returns in response to the keywords of the search. The results usually include a list of websites with their titles, links to the sites and a short description showing where the search matches the content of the page.

Search engines can show three types of results: lists of sites that have been indexed by search engine spiders, lists indexed directly by people and lists of links that paid to appear in search results. There is also search for images, maps, news, and blogs.

It is any content or feature on a website that in some way encourages visitors to create links to it from their own sites. It is the best free and legal strategy, but the most difficult to achieve. Your site needs to contribute something really valuable to get hundreds of links.

When talking about Internet Marketing and achieving better positions on the search results page, there are 2 words that are really the acronym in English of different processes, which are often confused or used as synonyms for Web Positioning.

The difference lies in the way in which this positioning is achieved in the Search Engines. SEO is the acronym in English of Search Engine Optimization, Optimization for Search Engines or Search Engines. This process deals with the natural way in which a Website appears on a Search Engine, also known as an "organic search".

The other process, known as SEM (Search Engine Marketing), is to get better places through sponsored links.

A company or business that is very clear about its market and that knows the needs of its customers very well is surely already in the top places in the Search Engines. However, it is essential to stay one step ahead of the competition and improve our score (ranking) in the Search Engines. This will increase the traffic of prospects and potential customers to our Website.

It is a machine-learning artificial intelligence system which helps Google search engines some of its search results, in particular, rare or one-of-a-kind queries. Launched in early of the year 2015 and used globally by Google.

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