The different types of loads that are considered during the designing of a building are:
Dead Loads (DL): The first type of load that is considered in the design of a structure is Dead load. Dead load occurs due to the weight of permanent partition walls, structural members, the weight of different materials, and fixed permanent equipment.
Imposed load: The imposed load is also known as the live load. It is the moving load without acceleration or having any impact. This load occurs on the building due to the load imposed by moving objects like furniture. Unlike dead loads, imposed loads are temporary loads and it changes from time to time.
Wind loads: As the name suggests, wind load is the load that occurs due to the air relative to the earth. It is usually horizontal and its calculation depends on the size of the building and the speed of the wind.
Snow load: Snow load occurs only in snow areas. This is the vertical load occurring on the roof or other part of the building above the roof where the snow accumulates.
Earthquake load: Earthquake load occurs due to the vibration caused by an earthquake and it constitutes both vertical and horizontal directions.