How can you add validations in Phalcon?


Posted On: May 03, 2024


Phalcon uses an independent module “Phalcon\Validation” for validating users requests. This component can be used to implement validation rules on data objects that do not belong to a model or collection.
The loosely-coupled design of this component allows you to create your own validators along with the ones provided by the framework.
The following example shows basic usage of validations in Phalcon :


use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\StringLength;

$name = new Text(

    new PresenceOf(
            "message" => "The name is required",

    new StringLength(
            "min"            => 10,
            "messageMinimum" => "The name is too short",


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