Blog : Online Interview Questions

Node Js Tutorials
NODE JS Your Way To Success: Career, Features, Scopes and Roles
NODE JS Your Way To Success: Career, Features, Scopes and Roles

Node.js is an open source JavaScript platform that used to develop fast, scalable and lightweight server-side applications very easily. It follows the single thread with an even driven loop which helps to interact or handle many requests as possible.

Angularjs Tutorials
6 AngularJS Frameworks to learn
6 AngularJS Frameworks to learn

The AngularJS, one of the most prominent frameworks, has rightly been identified as the leading open-source JavaScript web application framework under the Google's maintenance. It assists the developers in enhancing the potentiality of MVC (Model View Controller) and also the web-based applications. The frameworks are said to really simplify the job of developing and testing the application.

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
5 Things you should never say in a Job Interview
5 Things you should never say in a Job Interview

chance to redeem yourself again. Be careful what you say during job interviews or you might just kiss your dream job goodbye. Beware of these statements that are highly likely to put you in a bad light. My boss sucked. Even when your relationship with your previous boss did not turn out well, and even when you trust all your colleagues to back you up, still, never badmouth the person or anyone for that matter. Speaking negatively of others might only jeopardize your application. Remember, the interviewers care about you alone. They have no business with the issues you encountered with those you’ve worked with before. They care about your attitude. And for sure, they would not want someone in their team who they suspect would only talk behind their back later on. Sorry, I’m late. To be followed by excuses such as heavy traffic, road accidents, getting lost and the list goes on. You cannot greet someone you want to impress with an apology. Demonstrate that you want the job, more so that you are the right fit for the position. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled interview time so you still can rest and do last minute freshening up. Never show up in the interview room with your pulse racing, catching breath and dead exhausted. Visit the office ahead of time do so you can familiarize yourself with the estimated time of travel as well as alternate routes you can take. Excuse me, I just need to attend to this call/ message. If it was the interviewer exclaiming this, that’s okay. You cannot complain. But the other way around, it’s unfitting. Many applicants still think it’s no big deal to respond to calls or messages during a job interview. But it’s not. Cut off your communication ties with the outside world for the meantime. Or at least put your phone on silent mode. The interview, after all, would not last for hours. You can always get back to those who were trying to reach you. If you really want the job so bad, you’d heed this advice. How much are you paying employees? You cannot create an when your facts are insufficient. Wait until you are offered the job before inquiring about the pay. Salary negotiations are not done during this stage when you are still uncertain whether you will get in. Your primary focus should be to attract positive impression. And starting the conversation about money is least likely to do the trick. Unless the interviewer specifically requests and insists that you quote amounts. I really need this job. You need not tell the interviewers that you have tons of debts to pay, children to feed, or family to support. There are several ways you can show that you are interested. Do your homework about the company. Formulate questions that manifest your knowledge about the business. Be there on time. Dress properly. Make sure your resume is presentable. Review it over again for typo error or grammatical mistakes. Your preparation already speaks of your interest. I have no questions. Be careful about holding on too long to a question you have formulated only to lose track of the other points the interviewers are making. Companies want employers who are curious, engaged and active. They do not need passive people in their team. Stay alert....

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Dumb Questions Asked By Hiring Managers Have to Answer all?
Dumb Questions Asked By Hiring Managers Have to Answer all?

Google's Laszlo Bock describes these questions to be a complete waste of time. Although, they were considered unique interview questions to ask, today they are useless. HR leaders or Talent advisors are anxious about how senior managers consider questions to hire the best candidates.

Azure IoT Edge Industries: Why It is Most Promising Computing Platform?
Azure IoT Edge Industries: Why It is Most Promising Computing Platform?

Edge computing is turning out to be next battleground of the application platform space, and Microsoft needs to lead the charge during the recently build meeting. The company declared the accessibility of Azure IoT Edge, another service that delivers cloud abilities to IoT gadgets. This release shows Microsoft's first step in their new edge computing procedure.Azure IoT Edge plays a vital part in Microsoft's vision of conveying Intelligent Cloud and Intelligent Edge. From publicly releasing the stage to embracing containers to making a dynamic ecosystem, Microsoft got its edge computing technique in the right way. Microsoft has made it quite easy to run the learning models of the machine at the edge.

How to crack
How to crack SQL Interview
How to crack SQL Interview

If yes, then don't worry we are here going to provide you a complete guide on the preparation for the database or SQL interviews. To prepare yourself in advance you can refer to the database interview questions on PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MYSQL, Oracle, etc. It is always good to practice questions to freshen up your skills at least 3 or 4 days before the interview. This increases your chances of selection and you will also sound more confident. What is SQL SQL basically refers to the structured query language. SQL is the language that is used in the database management system. You can use it to organize data and entities, and manage relations between different entities of the given data. There is a small difference between SQL and MYSQL which one should definitely know. Where SQL is a standard language MYSQL is a relational database management system, so don't get confused between both of them. There are various constraints in SQL like Default, Foreign key, Not Null, Unique, Index, Check, Primary key, etc. Topics you must prepare If you are going for the interview for the first time then there are certain topics that you should definitely cover. Apart from this, it is always recommended to take mock tests to sharpen your skills. Now, we are going to head toward the topics which are mandatory to prepare for your SQL interview.You should have knowledge of tables and fields and know how to organize them. Go through the definitions of database and DBMS. Difference between DBMS and RDBMS. Explain different constraints in SQL. What do you know about primary keys? About joins, views, functions, transactions, locking, stored procedures, table variants Difference between the clustered index and non-clustered index. Have knowledge about pivoting, updating, or deleting data by using joins, ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), grouping, etc. How to delete duplicate records. Difference between SQL and no-SQL databases. Examples from real life on SQL and no SQL databases. Nested queries Normalization, Partition, Acid, and the significance of different keys are also important. Real-life problems in the designNo matter how proficient you are practically in SQL but don't take the interview so lightly. Along with practical knowledge, theoretical knowledge is also important to crack any interview. We have talked about certain topics that you can prepare and can also get sure of your selection by preparing more interview questions on SQL and by giving mocks. Final Words For those candidates who are sincerely looking to prepare themselves for the interview, for such students, we are here with the best interview questions app that is easily available. Here you can also get access to mock tests on the relevant topic you are looking for. Apart from this, there are hundred-plus questions with answers to prepare. As you are going for an interview it is important that you know about the uses of SQL and a brief history of it....

How to crack
How to crack PHP Interview
How to crack PHP Interview

or the interview. There are many big MNC companies and IT industries which have a high requirement for a well-skilled PHP developer. Today, in this blog we are going to know about certain things, qualities, and skills which are required for the PHP developer interview. Apart from this, we will also learn the basic requirements for cracking the interview. Let's begin this guide without any further delay. About PHP Before moving ahead we should have a brief about PHP. It is basically a programming language that is used by professionals in web development. PHP refers to the personal home page. Along with the basic knowledge of PHP, you should also be aware of databases like Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, etc. This helps you in utilizing your knowledge to the fullest. The demand for PHP developers in industries has risen, as everything is getting digital and online that's why web development is having its own place. Things to know before going for the PHP Interview in 2023 If you wish to crack the interview then it is necessary that you should go through the PHP interview questions which will help you in getting an idea. Before your interview day, you can go through these questions and prepare yourself in advance to face the recruiters. You will get everything at a single place with multiple PHP interview questions and answers for your ease. There are a few other points that will help you in performing well at the time of the interview. For the candidates it is necessary that they possess adequate knowledge related to the history of PHP, its existence, use, etc.There are strings and syntax in PHP you should study them well as the interviewer may ask questions about them. You should know the different definitions of PHP which define it well. You should be eligible to write the asked programming code. There are different array functions in PHP and each of them has different roles. Read thoroughly about them as they are helpful while writing codes. Every language follows a trial and error method and you should be skilled to solve the coming errors. There are a few common errors in PHP like notices, warnings, and Fatal errors. There are different content management systems in PHP like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, etc. You should have a brief knowledge of them.Final words Whenever we plan for an interview or exam we should be well prepared in advance by having revision and mock tests. If you want to practice mocks on PHP interviews then you can download this top-rated app from google play store or apple store. In this app, you will get 100+ interview questions to practice on PHP that will boost your skills and increase your knowledge. We recommend you to download it and start practicing for your interview now. The best part of it is there are no in-app purchases which make it convenient for your use....


Digging into the ways to delete multiple records in codeigniter

CodeIgniter is a lightweight powerful open source PHP web application framework that provides a simple and elegant platform to create full-featured web applications without the overhead of having the ...

JavaScript Tutorials
Comparison between JavaScript Top Frameworks react vs angular 2, vue js vs react, ember vs react
Comparison between JavaScript Top Frameworks react vs angular 2, vue js vs react, ember vs react

Comparing top 3 Javascript Frameworks of 2018: Angular 5, React.js and Vue.js. JavaScript has a number of frameworks and libraries with a variety of functions and features, some specific and some with most of the features embedded.

How to crack
How to crack Electrical Engineering Interview
How to crack Electrical Engineering Interview

are going to succeed in your area or not. The better job you get the more chances of your dreams coming true. That's why we always recommend to the candidates, not to take the interviews so lightly. You need to do proper study just like your exams and it will be good to start preparing for your interview at least a week before the date. There are a few ethics that are mandatory to be followed, one should learn all of them. As the first impression is the last impression you should work on leaving a good impression in the mind of the interviewer which makes you stand out from the queue. If you have decided to build your career as an electrical engineer then there are various interview questions guides that can prove to be helpful in this journey. Things to do before the interview Here is a list of certain points that one should always remember before going on the interview. As small mistakes can lead to disappointment so focus on each minute detail.Check your CV once again for any irrelevant information. You should never add any fake information in your curriculum vitae CV grilling is one of the major parts of the interview that's why the candidates should be capable of explaining and everything written in the CV. Prepare a list of questions that you want to ask the interviewer. All questions should be reliable. Try to get a letter of recommendation as this may increase your chances of selection. Go through the details of your projects once again as some questions can also fall from this area. You should study the basics of your course like electronic circuits, devices, C programming, database, Power system, etc. Gather some information about the company like what they do, their achievements, awards, etc.Things to remember during the interview The interview room is just similar to the examination hall where all of us feel nervous, hesitant, and full of questions and quizzes running in our minds. In this section, we will discuss the points that you need to take care of in the interview room.Keep your mind relaxed and empty. Listen to the interviewer carefully. Answer the questions as early as possible. Be polite while discussing, and don't try to overrule the interviewer. After the completion of the interview don't waste time asking for unnecessary things.Final words We have tried to discuss all of the major things related to the electrical engineering interview. Now the major area on which you have to work is study. There is a strong need for theoretical knowledge on the relevant topics of your subject area. We are here to share the most downloaded interview app which will fulfill all your requirements. In this app, you will get all the basic study material for your preparation along with the list of questions and answers that you can learn....

Angularjs Tutorials
15 Tools and Libraries For Angular 5 Developers
15 Tools and Libraries For Angular 5 Developers

Angular tools: Exploring Tools and libraries for Angular 5 developers. Today we will discuss various tools and libraries that are essential for an effective Angular 5 project. Tools and libraries can be classified into 5 sectors based on their functions and features. Angular 5 development tools.

Different versions of Angular.JS
Different versions of Angular.JS

In today's world, where the people are running at a vast pace the technology also evolving at the same speed. We know that the changes are required to build better versions of applications. In the field of the IT sector, the same is applied to stand in the market otherwise you will be cornered. This points to the Angular.JS which has wide changes within a gap of the few years. In 2009, Google developed the angular.JS for the first time but released it after 3 years in 2012. In last 7-8 years, Angular.JS has evolved immensely. Started from version 1.0 advanced up to version 1.7, the Angular developed company has added many features and improving it constantly. That’s why Angular.JS is still running in the competition and leave all other frameworks behind. Although, we can’t guarantee the success in these fields as all are competing with each other to become best and useful. Here we talk about different versions of Angular.JS, their features and what is the improvement made in the updated versions.

ZOHO CRM Tutorials
Cracking Zoho Technical Interviews
Cracking Zoho Technical Interviews

Planning to give an interview for Zoho CRM? Are you interview ready? If not, you must because competition out there is fierce and with every candidate having access to everything you have, you might want to clear every single basic before you step up.The key to clear Zoho CRM interview questions is to go through every single question that you might feel can be asked. Usually, the difficulty level is medium so a bit of preparation can do wonders.

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Unique Interview Questions to prepare to get hired in the company
Unique Interview Questions to prepare to get hired in the company

Answering the unique interview questions in a confident way can help you to get your dream job. It’s one of the most important things that you should answer each and every question in the smartest way asked by the interviewer. So that the interviewer gets impressed by your answers and give you the position in the job. There are lots of common and unique interview questions that will be asked by the interviewer. So you should be prepared for the answers that you are going to tell in front of the interviewer.

How to crack
How to crack BPO Interview
How to crack BPO Interview

the top MNC companies like Accenture, aesis, cognizant, Genpact, etc are successfully running BPO. Those aspirants who are looking to build their career in BPO either at any designation then we are here to help you. To prepare for any job interview you need to study properly and for this, you can refer to the online BPO questions guide. There are various common questions that are frequently asked by the interviewers that are listed in this guide. Now, in this article, we are going to learn everything related to the interview and its preparation. About BPO When any big organization or company outsources their work to any other country then it is known as business process outsourcing. There are basically call centers and customer support-related tasks held by the companies. There can be multiple sectors in which outsourcing can be accomplished like IT, communication, health, insurance, finance, jurisdiction, law, and so on. There can be various projects allowed by the companies to the BPO service provider which can be either offshore or shore outsourcing. There are basically two types of call centers that lie under BPO that are outbound and inbound. It is one of the most asked questions in the interview what do you mean by the outbound and inbound processes? Types of BPO There are multiple types of BPO which we will list here. KPO is also similar to the BPO but there is a small difference among both of them. Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) majorly deals with services that are related to documentation, insurance, medical billing, etc. So, don't get confused between BPO and KPO. There are majorly five types of BPO which are,Selling department Back office Administrative department Call center Purchase DepartmentTopics to prepare For any exam, we always give more concentration on the important topics which have higher chance to fall the exam. Similarly, in an interview, there are certain topics from which most of the questions are asked. In terms of the BPO Interview let us have a look over those topics that may be asked by the interviewer so that you can prepare them in advanceDefine BPO Need for outsourcing The difference between call centers and BPO About BPO and KPO Jobs of BPO About computer and Software skills Communication skills Common risk associations with BPO Team handling Services of inbound and outbound call centers About offshoring and reshoring Define fields of outsourcingFinal words We have tried to explain and everything related to the interview with BPO. If you are still worried about the preparation and this is your first interview then we suggest you download an app that is composed of interview questions guide on BPO. Along with them, you will also get a chance to give mocks so that you can analyze your knowledge....

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