Blog : Online Interview Questions

C Program Examples
C program to find area of triangle given 3 sides
C program to find area of triangle given 3 sides

This Program accepts the three sides of the triangle a, b, c. Then, Calculates the Perimeter of the Triangle. Moreover, calculates the semi perimeter using the formula (a + b + c) / 2 and the Area of a triangle using Heron’s Formula: √(s × (s - a) × (s - b) × (s - c)). After the successful execution of the program the final area of a triangle is shown on screen.

C Program Examples
C Program to Find the Area of Rhombus
C Program to Find the Area of Rhombus

Above program first takes length of diagonals as input form user using scanf function and stores it in two floating point variables. Then it calculates the area of Rhombus using the formula given above. Then, it prints the area of Rhombus on screen using printf function.

C Program Examples
C Program to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers
C Program to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers

In this article, We will discuss the C Program to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers. First of all I would like to explain what a natural number is? Then, I will demonstrate how to calculate the nth term of the natural number. Moreover, I would explain the logic to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers. Furthermore, I would write the logic and C Program to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers with output.

C Program Examples
C program to check number is palindrome
C program to check number is palindrome

In the successful compilation of the program, a message is displayed on the screen as Please! Enter an integer:This program entered a number by user then store it into a variable after that found its reversed and store it in to another variable if both variables are equal then we can say that inputed number is palindrome otherwise that is not a palindrome.

C Program Examples
C program to find lcm of two numbers?
C program to find lcm of two numbers?

This Program stores two integers one by one into the int datatype. After that find the least common factor of these two numbers as shown as output.

C Program Examples
C program to add two numbers
C program to add two numbers

This Program stores two integers into the int datatype by using to variables. After that store the sum of these two variables into another variable and display it on the screen.After the successful compilation of the program, Program sums up the two entered numbers at once.

C Program Examples
C program quadratic equation
C program quadratic equation

After the successful compilation of the program, this program displays the following output: Enter values for a, b, c of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c are: If user enters 1, 2, 6 then it displays two distinct complex roots exists: -1.00 + i2.24 and -1.00 - i2.24

Java Tutorials
7 Most favorable Java Frameworks
7 Most favorable  Java Frameworks

A framework is nothing but a program that allows the development of web applications. The framework’s facets denote the modifiable system and structure that allows easy development of the applications. So, in simple words, the framework reduces the load of writing the whole lengthy and complex alterations to the entire software, and you just need to make specific changes and easily build the application.

Node Js Tutorials
Installing Nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04
Installing Nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04

Check out steps to install Node js on Ubuntu 16.04, please open your terminal and run the following commands:-

MYSQL Tutorials
Difference between NoSQL and SQL Databases
Difference between NoSQL and SQL Databases

There are various SQL and NoSQL databases used in today’s world. SQL databases are the conventional type of databases which uses tabular relational model for the representation of data and its relationship. NoSQL is the new type of database. It provides a mechanism for storage and data retrieval other than tabular relations model used in a relational database. In this article, we are going to list few differences between NoSQL and SQL Databases

Node Js Tutorials
Most Popular Node.js Frameworks
Most Popular Node.js Frameworks

The Node.js is one the most powerful and popular server-side programming language. It is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine which is a cross-platform runtime environment. Below is a random list of 8 best Node.js frameworks with their descriptions and characteristics that may help you out to button on the right Node.js frameworks for your application or the project.

What is responsive web design and why is it important?
What is responsive web design and why is it important?

Responsive Web Design is an approach whereby a designer creates a web page that responds to or resizes itself depending on the type of device. That could be an oversized desktop computer monitor, a laptop, or devices with small screens such as smartphones and tablets.

What is notepad in computer?
What is notepad in computer?

Notepad in Computer is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows and a basic text-editing program that enables computer users to create documents. It was first released as a mouse-based MS-DOS program in 1983 and has been included in all versions of windows since windows 1.0 in 1985. Notepad allows you to create, open and read plaintext files, if the file contains special formatting or is not a plain text file, it will not be able to be read in Notepad.

10+ free Tools that make web developers Life Easy
10+ free Tools that make web developers Life Easy

10+ free Tools that make web developers Life Easy: As you need the top web development tools to assist you to get your work done, on the basis of several distinct tools that can form a task completely complicated. At the same time as it is a decent thought to check over suggestions, so as to be adept and proficient.


Tips to crack React.js interview Questions 2023

Are you planning to clear your react Js interview? Are you an aspiring you are developer whose browsing history speaks about react js interview questions? Then look no further because this blog is for you. The following article will clear all your doubts

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