Blog : Online Interview Questions

Installing Virtualbox on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Installing Virtualbox on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

Learn how to install and configure Virtualbox on Ubuntu Server. After reading this article you are able to install and configure VirtualBox 5.2 on Ubuntu server.

SEO Tutorials
Easy Steps To add Schema Markup Data in your website
Easy Steps To add Schema Markup Data in your website

Nowadays search engines are working on how to provide the best experience of search results to their users which will make them easier to find what they are searching. Search engines always try to give best and clear result to their users so that it will make them easier to find things on the internet for their almost every solution within few searches rather than spending their whole day searching for one thing.

SEO Tutorials
PPC - Pay Per Click: 4 simple tips to improve your campaign
PPC - Pay Per Click: 4 simple tips to improve your campaign

PPC has been one of the most used models for years to bring traffic to the website and it is not a children's game to build an effective PCC campaign you need not only a high budget, but you also need a right strategy. It is best to have experience in this area or to hire a PPC expert who will create and optimize your campaign.

Laravel Tutorials
Configuring Errors & Logging in Laravel 5
Configuring Errors & Logging in Laravel 5

Laravel comes with excellent error and exception handling feature. When you install Laravel framework (MVC) error and exception handling is configured at the same time. In this tutorial, we will see how Errors & Logging works in Laravel 5.

App Crash: How to ensure the stability of app?
App Crash: How to ensure the stability of app?

App crashes cause stress for app developers, and even top mobile apps are victim of this. To retain users on mobile apps, your mobile app should be stable. App crash annoys both users and developers. You can get rid of app crash and ensure the app’s stability. In this post, we are discussing some method to ensure app stability.

SEO Tutorials
7 Tips to get more likes and comments on Facebook
7 Tips to get more likes and comments on Facebook

How do you get more Likes and comments on your posts? If you have more friends on Facebook, this does not automatically mean you get several comments and likes on your posts. If you do not know how your friends/fans are reacting to your status messages, we should first look at what you could do to get higher interests in your status messages.

SEO Tutorials
Why SEO is Important?
Why SEO is Important?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method or technique used to increase website’s visibility through its results by increasing and improving SERP(Search Engine Result’s page ranking) and Alexa Ranking (Optimize Site’s ranking all over the Globe).

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Don't Underrate Following up: The most important interview aspect
Don't Underrate Following up: The most important interview aspect

We all are well aware of the fact that it's really hard to crack an interview and to reach a stage where you think the job is yours. After all the tough interview questions and answers, another tough challenge which is in front of you is the waiting time. The time limit where you have to certainly wait for your turn is unlimited, it can be the very next moment you have finished the interview or can take more than a week. Probably this is annoying for few of the candidates which in turn force them to do a not so polite thing. If you are also struck in something like this, then need not to worry.

Why Deep Linking In Mobile Apps Is Important?
Why Deep Linking In Mobile Apps Is Important?

The concept of mobile app deep linking is becoming more popular among businesses. Many businesses want to install this mechanism into their iOS and Android mobile apps. Several mobile app development services are including this concept in their projects. It is a belief that this concept has the remarkable potential to drive the sales of businesses. Experts say that this can be an important strategy for app marketing. Let’s know why deep linking is essential.

Angularjs Tutorials
AngularJS: A better Option to grow your career
AngularJS:  A better Option to grow your career

As you may wondering to make your future dependable on AngularJS, here we tell you what an AngularJS developer can do. As a superheroic JavaScript framework, AngularJS is the most widespread front-end application among the web developers. It has set its realm by walking up the aisle and secure its place by clean bowled the previous JavaScript frameworks like EmberJS, ReactJS and many more.


IOT and its applications

IoT is the abbreviation of Internet of Things which is the connection of physical gadgets such as phone, sensors, laptops, computers etc which are not just wired boxes but also the one that has software programmed in it which makes these things to transfer and share data without human's external command and this creates a space for the integration of the human into the computer-based systems.

Aws batch: Features and benefits
Aws batch: Features and benefits

Aws batch is very efficient and it dynamically provisions for the optimal use of computing resources that are required for performing the batch jobs you need to do based on the volume and resource the job demands.

Node Js Tutorials
Uploading image in Node.js using multer
Uploading image in Node.js using multer

Multer is a middleware for node.js that processes multipart/form-data. It is basically used for uploading images and documents in Node. For maximum efficiency, Multer is written top of the busboy (A HTML form data parser ). In this tutorial, we are going to see how to upload an image, pdf or document in Node js. Step1: Installing Multe

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Salary Negotiation Tips: Make the Discussion the Best One in Your Professional Life
Salary Negotiation Tips: Make the Discussion the Best One in Your Professional Life

Answering the question can be tricky because if the candidate says a remuneration figure that exceeds the company’s decided salary slab then you are almost out of the running and if you are saying a lower figure then you are underestimating your capabilities and also lowering your career graph.Not only interviews, the first step, which is to fill in the job application, but a candidate is also asked to answer the salary expectations and there is no way you can skirt the question. Here are few ways to tackle the question nicely in an interview as well as on job application:

Angularjs Tutorials
Top 10 key features of Angular 5
Top 10 key features of Angular 5

Angular JS has been in the industry for quite a few years with micro updates. However, the release of Angular 5 came as a surprise to everyone who knows its

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