Blog : Online Interview Questions

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Looking For A Job? Here Are The Top 10 Paying Jobs In Canada
Looking For A Job? Here Are The Top 10 Paying Jobs In Canada

If you are looking for a job, but not just any job, in Canada, you might be surprised to know that there are a few professions paying very well. If you want the kind of job that will have you looking forward to waking up in the morning, then check out these top ten paying jobs in Canada.

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job Abruptly
4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job Abruptly

Think you can no longer stand your boss or colleagues?Even if your response is a screaming yes, still, disappearing abruptly from work should be your last option. Quitting may seem like the best option given the situation you are in, but this is the professional industry we’re talking about. Observing manners is imperative.You might not get to work with the same people on your next jobs, but chances are they have connections you will eventually cross paths with. So never burn bridges. It is only expected that you will not like everyone at the workplace, same as you cannot expect everyone to like you back.Keep your composure

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
4 Factors to Consider Before Accepting Job Offers
4 Factors to Consider Before Accepting Job Offers

Fresh from college, your priority is to find full-time paying jobs.But when a career opportunity comes, still, you cannot say yes right away. You need to evaluate first your options. What are the factors you must consider?

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
5 Reaching Out Tips for Newbies in the Workplace
5 Reaching Out Tips for Newbies in the Workplace

Soon, you will be taking care of your own bills. You are to use the money you earned yourself for your purchases. But before you delve into that major change in your lifestyle, it pays that you invest first in earning a positive impression and building good working relationships with your colleagues. How do you that? Volunteer. Do not hesitate to offer help or assistance once you are done with your tasks. Simple actions like printing a copy of their presentation or compiling files for your colleagues shall go a long way to forging connections. Come the time you need a hand, someone out there is sure to volunteer. You probably would not even have to speak. Exude confidence, initiate the first move. You were the one who made the cut. Prove you deserve the spot. Manifest confidence when introducing yourself. Stand straight. Observe good posture so you avoid feeling lazy or drowsy. Take the first step to getting to know your teammates. Invite them to join you for dinner. Sure, introductions and first days may come awkwardly. Everyone goes through that phase. Eventually, you’ll get used to your new work environment. The transition shall come easier though if you will exert effort blending in. Arrive on time. Prepare your outfit as well as your belongings before going to bed. Indulge in a good night sleep so you do not feel grumpy on your first day. Coming to the office early shall give you the opportunity to at least take a deep breath and fix yourself before you finally meet your new office mates. See to it that you maintain this adherence to time. Train yourself ahead of time if you are not used to waking up early. Adjust your body clock so that it is in sync to your new work schedule. Do not be that member of the team always disappointing others because of tardiness. Admit you need help. Your supervisor shall appreciate if you can work well with minimum supervision. But remember, they also expect or assume that you will have inquiries, that you might not fully understand how things work. And that’s fine. Only that sometimes, they wait for you to approach them first. They do not want to appear as though underestimating your abilities. In this regard, do not be shy to come up to them and request assistance when you need it. And do not just nod to every point your colleagues make. Validate your understanding of the task given to you. Repeat what you are told using your own words to check whether you are on the same page. This shall make conversations more meaningful than you merely listening. Dress right. Some companies do not observe the formal dress code. Some allow jeans inside the office premises. However, it is best that you stay safe. For the ladies, avoid showing too much skin. You do not want to attract unnecessary attention during your first days at work and be remembered for your suggestive attire. The most important thing to note when dressing for work is a comfort. Ensure that the clothes you put on allow you to move conveniently....

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
How to stay afloat when you lose your job
How to stay afloat when you lose your job

Being let go from your job can be a distressing experience. Questions flow through your mind about how to provide for your family and pay the bills while searching for another job. Calm down and take a deep breath. Even though losing your job may have resulted from circumstances beyond your control, there are things you can do to stay afloat until that next employment opportunity comes along.

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
How to writing Compelling Cover Letters: Tips
How to writing Compelling Cover Letters: Tips

If only it is possible for interviewers to observe and get to know applicants for a week or maybe a month, then you will not have to sweat blood writing your cover letter and resume.You have lots of time to show what you’ve got.But it’s not. Few minutes is the longest period hiring managers get to be with each hopeful. And so applicants should take advantage of every chance there is to share their story.What should you remember when writing cover letters?

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Five tips to newly graduated Job seeker that are going to land on their first Job Interview
Five tips to newly graduated Job seeker that are going to land on their first Job Interview

er graduates. Not only do you have to compete with other graduates from top schools, but you also have to compete with those who have work experience in your field. Some college graduates do not fully understand exactly what companies are looking for in applicants or how to construct a resume. This can cause frustration over time. There are steps you can take to avoid problems and have the best chance of landing that job! Create Custom Resumes Using a single generic resume puts recent graduates at a disadvantage. Every resume should be customized to match the job and employer. This means changing objectives, excluding irrelevant experience and using relevant terms to describe personal skills. Look at the job description, match keywords and skills listed to your resume. Some companies scan your resume for keywords using software and they won’t even look at it unless it has certain words that match what they are looking for. Customizing a resume is something that hiring managers like to see. It shows genuine interest in the specific job or company. Dress and Communicate Professionally All companies want graduates to dress and communicate professionally when arriving for an interview. Graduates should wear formal clothes in conservative styles and colors. Additionally, it is important to always communicate professionally whether speaking in person, writing an email or talking over a cell phone. Graduates should speak with respect, avoid inappropriate language and phrase statements concisely. Always address your interviewer by their title and last name unless directed otherwise. Keep a Reliable Cell Phone Employers will not waste time trying to repeatedly contact a graduate for an interview or job offer. It is important to keep a reliable cell phone nearby at all times. A good choice is an Android phone like those at systems/ because graduates can receive calls and check emails from the same device. It also helps to have a phone with a SIM card from since this makes it possible to change devices without changing phone numbers or accounts. If you do change your phone number, make sure that you update your resume accordingly. If you have applied for any jobs you haven’t heard from before changing your number, be sure to either call them or email them to update them on your new number. Maintaining a reliable cell phone will ensure graduates can always be reached. Highlight Soft Skills Soft skills are non-technical skills that many employers look for. They include leadership, teamwork skills and other personal traits that will help indirectly with a job. Soft skills can be listed directly on a resume. They should also be mentioned during interviews. Companies want to see soft skills in candidates. These are especially important if they are skills listed in the job description. Re-read the job posting before your interview and practice answering questions using skills they have requested. Edit Social Media Accounts Employers today are likely to look at the public social media accounts of recent graduates. A good practice is to edit the accounts and remove anything could appear offensive, controversial or inappropriate. In-jokes or funny postings from college could be perceived negatively by employers. Although it is acceptable to go out and relax on the weekends, you don’t want to have a profile picture of you drinking at the club. This type of content might cost a graduate a job. Don’t think that because your webpage is private or personal that it won’t be seen. Consider anything on the web as public and change your profile picture to a professional looking head shot. It can take time to find a first job after graduation. Graduates need to remain persistent. It is important to never let a few rejected applications create doubt or negativity. Learn from your mistakes. When one job calls you to let you know you did not make the cut, thank them for their time and ask them if there is anything you can improve on in the future. Always maintain respect and stay professional, you never know when another opportunity might open up at the same company. Write every cover letter and approach every interview with a positive and optimistic attitude. This will impress employers and give you a better chance and getting that job!...

SEO Tutorials
How important is online marketing Some Useful Points?
How important is online marketing Some Useful Points?

Business owners should take time to assess which new thoughts and marketing plans are actually expected to promote their business. Everyone is doing this job; therefore, it can be very easy to get excited with all advertisements. If you want to develop your business and earn more money, you could have mechanical marketing plans that generate leads whether you are on the road, in the office or even on holiday

SEO Tutorials
Off-Page SEO Proven Techniques To rank Fast.
Off-Page SEO Proven Techniques To rank Fast.

In this SEO tutorial we learn about some Off-Page Seo importance for the websites many of Seo experts agree that there is a very important role of Off Page Seo with this technique we should get some quality links to our websites, getting some good traffic, Page rank etc and for these achievements we should work on different Off-page Seo factors.There are a lot of things which Off-page Seo covers like Directory submission, Article submission, Social networking, Forums posting, Social bookmarking etc. But I want to share you my personal experience in my Off Page SEO Tutorials that if you give first priority to Build quality link and comments and Social network than there is a lot off chance to get some good and quick results to your website or Blog

SEO Tutorials
Social Media Marketing : How to Stay on Top of Your
Social Media Marketing : How to Stay on Top of Your

This is the age of technology and competition. Everybody is doing great struggle in order to win this competition. People use different unique ways in order to make their online business one of the best businesses. Staying on top of your social media marketing is something that is very technical; you have to use different tactics in order to achieve this place. How can you up-to-date about the latest news and about what is going on this planet? How can you get to know about important aspects of business or anything else?

SEO Tutorials
How Important Social Media Marketing is?
How Important Social Media Marketing is?

Social media enables you to get a direct approach to your customers. Business owners can use different methods and tactics in order to attract people towards their services. These methods can include Question and Answers and many other interesting methods just like that. In this way, while people commenting or answering your questions then you can deal with them directly and tell them the importance and beneficial aspects of your services.

Wordpress Tutorials
5 Powerful Benefits of Push Notifications in eCommerce
5 Powerful Benefits of Push Notifications in eCommerce

ut from rest. In recent years the eCommerce market has grown a lot, so today customers prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes. This means the face to face conversations are reduced. Now the problem is that communication with people is lessening at an alarming rate. But as in the world of business, it is essential to engage with peoples. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to meet sales targets. So there is a requirement of a strategy that can help to engage with customers. Well, you must have probably heard about the term Wordpress-WooCommerce push notifications. Yes, push notifications is a strategy that can help you to engage with people effectively. How? Let us understand this by going through 5 powerful benefits of Wordpress Push Notifications in eCommerce.Reach your audience with a single click: The prime benefit of using push notifications is its ability to reach anywhere in the world instantly. To send push notifications to people you only require their one-time permission. Once the permission is granted by the user, you can send them notifications without their further approval. This means you can reach your users throughout the world anytime you want. It only takes a single click to glow the user’s device with push notifications of your choice. This will help you to grab the attention of both casual browsers and first-time visitors.Customer Retention: Customer retention is considered as one of the prime aspects of every business plan. But it is one of the difficult tasks to perform. It is due to the reason that you cannot judge exactly whether your customer is happy with your products or not. Customer retention depends upon the experience provided to users by providing them quality products and good suggestions. Here push notifications become handy in engaging with customers. It will let your customers feel that they are crucial for your platform. A study has shown that 60% of customers are happy to go with the same platform if their issues are handled properly.Personalization: One of the crucial factors that can increase sales at a high level. As every customer has its own liking. Maybe your product is liked by one customer but another customer is not interested at all. So you can use automated push notifications to sort out this issue.Segmentation of customers is important to consider when dealing with a variety of customers. By tracking the purchase history and search history of customers you can send push notifications accordingly to their interest. Demographics are another factor as gender, age, location, and interests vary from person to person. This data can be used effectively for sending more personalized push notifications as per requirement.Power of Rich Media: One of the advantages of using push notifications for your eCommerce business is its ability to support rich media. Push notifications are composed of images, graphics, texts, emojis, and so on. It creates an eye-catching effect and manipulates users to open and see them. Now what happens is sometimes the user has not planned for purchase. But when they go through push notifications, the urge is generated in users. This finally ends up in the sale. So, if you are struggling with your sales then push notifications can benefit you. It also helps you in increasing traffic to your platform.Abandoned shopping carts notifications: Today abandoned carts have become a huge problem with eCommerce stores. According to global statistics, about 69% of the online shopping carts are left abandoned by customers. A lot of customer’s visits to eCommerce stores show interest in a particular product. Then they add them to the wish list or even add to the cart but never go for final checkout. There must be certain reasons behind this. They got engaged in another activity, changed their mind, got a better deal, or shifted to another platform for a lesser price and so on. In these situations push notifications are effective. As automated notifications start glowing the user’s device after a certain amount of time. It reminds them to proceed ahead with checkout.Conclusion: Push notifications have become a need to survive in the eCommerce market. There is hardly any eCommerce business in the world that is not using them to their advantage. If you have not implemented them, it’s a ripe time to implement them. This will not only help you to make your task easy but will also help you with sales. Author Bio: WonderPush, provides a simple and inexpensive way to send push notifications to apps and websites. It provides you with a WordPress-WooCommerce push notification service that can give your eCommerce business, unique identity in the market....

PHP Tutorials
Codeigniter and Angularjs Crud
Codeigniter and Angularjs Crud

Finding difficulty in creating a CRUD in Codeigniter? CRUD is an abbreviation for Create, Read, Update and Delete. If you are working on Codeigniter project, then this step-by-step process will help you to create a simple and easy CRUD with the help of Angular Js and Codeigniter. Some of the steps in the process are added for a Codeigniter framework i.e. create, delete, edit, list, search & pagination application.

PHP Tutorials
What is PHP 7? List some features of PHP7 ?
What is PHP 7? List some features of PHP7 ?

PHP7 is the latest version of popular PHP programming language that is considered to be the most sought-after versions till date. Released in December 2015, it is breakthrough in the world of programing language as it offers interesting features, fast performance, less deprecated functions, etc. More than 80% web developers rely on PHP language for their websites which reflects the fact that it is the most popular programing language. The advent of the latest version has been extremely crucial for web developers as it offers several benefits to them

Laravel Tutorials
Laravel Pagination with array or object
Laravel Pagination with array or object

You have used Laravel Pagination with Eloquent results. Sometimes we have to do paginations in Laravel on arrays or custom objects. In this tutorial, we will see how to do Laravel manual pagination. Here we are going to use LengthAwarePaginator class of Laravel to create custom pagination in Laravel.

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